Our Brands, Certification and Clients

Our Premium Brands
Mazhabri Royal, Jotiyakali Gold

Amongst the most popular brands of Bought Leaf Tea factories of dooars region

Competitive Brands in Tea Industry

Choice of Retailers as well as Blenders

Known for it's quality and consistency

Supplies to almost all the states of the country

< class="qodef-m-title" > Recognition for Excellence

Our Factories Are Health Analysis Critical Control Point Certified

Our Bought Leaf Factories are Trustea Certified (2015)

Our Factories Are Food Management System Certified & Quality Management System Certified

Our Factories Are Food Safety And Standards Authority Of India Certified

Our Bank facilities ratings are assigned by CIRISIL

Bira Group of Companies
is a part of the Associations named below

Siliguri Tea Traders Association (1995)

North Bengal Tea Producers Association (2008)

Siliguri Tea Auction Committee (1990)

Calcutta Tea Auction Committee (2000)

Our Auction Brokers

Bira Group of Companies is associated with major Tea Brokering Houses of India named below:

Parcon (India) Private limited

Contemporary Broker Pvt. Ltd.

J Thomas & Company Pvt. Ltd.

Tea Champagne Pvt. Ltd.

oh hello you
We are
Bira Group
Serving Premium-quality Tea at the best possible rates.
