Corporate Social Responsibility:
Giving back to society is one of the main motives behind the profit-making of Bira group. The Group and its core members believe that one can only grow when he helps his society, his community grow. And its a privilege that Bira Group and its member has been able to give back to the society.
Mr. Sushil Kumar Bansal is a man who cares deeply about his community and its growth. He had always believed in aiding those in need. He has adopted 100 children and has given them the gift of knowledge by supporting their education for the rest of their lives. He believes that education and wisdom are the keys to a happier life. His generosity and kindness have enabled many children to live the lives they deserve.
Corporate Social Responsibility:
Giving back to society is one of the main motives behind the profit-making of Bira group. The Group and its core members believe that one can only grow when he helps his society, his community grow. And its a privilege that Bira Group and its member has been able to give back to the society.
Mr. Sushil Kumar Bansal, is a man with love for his society and its growth. He always believed in helping the needy. He has adopted 100 kids and has given them the gift of knowledge by funding their life long education expense. He believes that education and knowledge are what helps people get a happy life. His kindness and his generousness have helped a lot of children get the life they deserve.